mariachi bands in far cars type
money morning type.
lets escape above ground you and me
to where giants fall and falls (the hype)
to come
like linden piles smell thick on your feet. feel crisp
pneumonia walks feel missed down here
you read dead man's claps clasp
on cuffs diva red.
there is a fire in the hole but...
you look better. (on the whole)than them
-gracias por esto. peso please...peso por favor gracias peso
you looked up from the dead man's gaze just then.
just enough to show the guilt the smile through glass.
thermal bridge moments i imagined
who are these people who are you
what was that... oh yeah music -arriba
i am not always (or ever)
really that comfortable alone (in public)
i feel like the lone dancer at the show-
what a clown.